GJ Vasectomy

Just like with every procedure, it is important to ensure you are following your post vasectomy care instructions. Feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns during your recovery.
Arriving Home After Procedure:
When you get home after your procedure, relax, and lay flat on your bed or couch. It is important to minimize activity and give your body a chance to rest & adjust.

1 - 2 Days Post Procedure:
You can begin to shower again the morning after. Replace the scrotal support and make sure to wear it when you are up and walking around for the next 7 days after your vasectomy, especially with any increased activity over that first week.

Managing Pain & Discomfort
For any pain or discomfort, you are allowed to take Ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol). You can start taking Aspirin 2 days after.

1 - 2 Days Post Procedure:
You can walk and drive the day following your procedure, but do not overexert yourself. No sports, yard work, working out/heavy lifting, or swimming. If your job isn’t physically demanding such as office work, you are aloud to return to work.

3- 7 Days Post Procedure
Keep wearing your scrotal support, and you can slowly begin to resume regular activities. For more aggressive sports and exercise, wait at least a week or longer.

What to Expect Post Procedure
It is normal and apart of the healing process to experience some discoloration of the skin around the puncture site. The discoloration around the scrotum normally appears about 3-4 days after the procedure. The discoloration will gradually resolve as you heal, then fully dissipate.

Sexual Activity Post Procedure:
Refrain from intercourse and ejaculation for at least 7 days after your procedure. It is important to know that ejaculation may cause some discomfort in the groin and testicles until the tissue heals, so only resume when you feel ready.

Keep In Mind
Remember that results are not instant, and that you are still considered fertile after the vasectomy. In order to confirm you are no longer fertile, you can get your semen sample tested at 12 weeks to determine if it is sperm free.

Any abnormal amount of pain, discomfort, swelling, or inflammation that is not resolving and/or getting worse, be sure to contact our office. Other symptoms include:
Signs of infection, including fever and chills.
Redness, swelling, excessive pain or bleeding, or discharge at the incision site.
Difficulty urinating.
Pain that you cannot control with your medications.